CCcam Smartcard SID Assign
Here is example for MTV Unlimited card. You need to put the line (located below) in CCcam.cfg and restart CCcam. Using Cccam 2.1.2 or any newer version is obligatory! Older versions do not support this feature.
SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : /dev/ttyUSBx 0 { 6FF3, 6FEE, 6FEF, 6FF1, 6FF0, 6FFF }
You can change /dev/ttyUSBx to anything you want. If you have internal reader than change to /dev/sci0
SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : /dev/sci0 0 { 6FF3, 6FEE, 6FEF, 6FF1, 6FF0, 6FFF }