
oscam.services Creator

This is very useful program for creating oscam.service files. It can get channels information from their own server (1), from our own oscam.srvid file (2), from receiver (3) or from Kingofsat website (4). I assume that most of you will select options 1,2 or 4. Which satellite packages are supported? Many, here is the list if you select their server (1): HD+, AustriaSat, Canal Digitaal, Cyfra+, Polsat, DigitAlb, , Digital+, Digiturk, KabelBW, Kabelkiosk, KD, MAX TV, MTV Unlimited, Nova, NTV Mir, ORF, Penthouse HD, Platforma HD, RTVi, Sky, Sky Italia, TNTSAT, Tivusat, Tring, TV Vlandereen, UnityMedia, Viasat, Zon

If you select Kingofsat website, you can only select these packages: Sky Germany, HD+,ORF, AustriaSat and UnityMedia

You can even select which channels you want to include in service file. Nice feature!

How to use oscam.services Creator

There is only one .exe file that you need to open. You get blue window with text in German language. Click on “Quelldatei wahlen”, then you get 4 options to choose from. Option 1 gets oscam.srvid file from their server, option 2 enables you to select your own oscam.srvid file, option 3 gets info from your receiver and downloads channel info from Kingofsat website!

Then you need to click START button on the bottom right site of blue window. You will get new window with all kinds of options to select. I think you wont have any problems using this program in this stage. You just have to select your satellite TV package, CAID, provid and desired channels and you are done!

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