Using ZeroTier VPN with Enigma 2 receivers
Are you using two or more E2 receivers on different locations and you want to connect them with the goal of streaming channels from primary location to other locations? ZeroTier might be a solution for you. Please visit their website for first impressions.
This is alternative to OpenVPN which is the most known VPN solution. Problem with OpenVPN is that it is not straight forward and demands some knowledge to set up properly. ZeroTier states on their website: “Most users will find that ZeroTier installs in minutes and “just works.”” As with OpenVPN, ZeroTier also establishes private encrypted virtual network (VPN) between all devices in ZeroTier network. Currently ZeroTier supports Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux and FreeBSD. Enigma 2 (in my case OpenPLi) is based on linux but you cannot just download ipk file on ZeroTier website and install it. You need to build working ZeroTier client from source or if you are luckly, image already offers ZT via feed. I decided to test this solution with my E2 receivers and other devices that I have on different locations.
ZeroTier for is completely free for normal home use. Actually, you can connect up to 100 devices and you wont have to pay anything! They also offer subscription plans, but you wont need them. ZeroTier full functionality is available for free.
There are two pages on ZT website that are important for you. One is Download page, another is their portal/web control page. First I suggest you sign up and create new ZT network. For more information how to do this, I suggest you check their wiki page. It will help you to understand everything better. If you prefer YT, here is one video you can check:
Next step is to download client for your PC, in my case client for Windows 10. Installs and works fine, it should be the same also in your case.
Now that you created your network and downloaded/installed ZeroTier client, you probably already successfully connected your PC to your ZT network. Check ZT portal if new device was detected and which IP was assigned. You can choose different IP ranges, I suggest you use the one that you are familiar with. I am using 192.168.192.x range which is similar to 192.168.1.x which I usually use. Do not forget that you can set your network to be public or private. If you choose to be private, all new clients in your ZT network will have to be manually confirmed. If you choose to be public, than anyone with your unique network ID can connect to your network without any confirmation from your part.
I wont forget about E2 receivers, don’t worry. Setting up ZeroTier with E2 is quite easy, I will assume that you have basic knowledge about SSH (I suggest Putty) and FTP (I suggest WinSCP). Please visit this thread on OpenPLi forum for basic information, you can also download some ipk files that are posted there. With OpenPLI 7.2 ZeroTier is available to install directly via OpenPLi feed (opkg install zerotier). Below you can also download directly (thanks to Jungle-Team).
- Zerotier v1.4.6 21-11-2019 for mipsel
- Zerotier v1.4.6 21-11-2019 for arm
- Zerotier v1.4.6 21-11-2019 for aarch64
- Zerotier v1.4.6 21-11-2019 for cortex
Transfer ipk to tmp folder of your receiver and install it. I assume you know how to do all of this, so I wont get into details. After installing, restart enigma and after restart ZT should be already working in the background. There is not GUI, your next step will be using telnet/ssh in order to input one specific command to connect this new ZT client (E2 box) to your ZT network. Command is:
zerotier-cli join <yournetworkID>
If everything OK, “200 join OK” should appear. Please login to ZT portal and check if new device was added to your ZT network. Confirm it (if you have chosen to be “private”) and check which IP was assigned to this new device. With this IP you can access your E2 receiver anywhere you want. Just be sure that device you use to access E2 receiver is also in ZT network.
If you want to leave network, use this command:
zerotier-cli leave <yournetworkID>
What is the main benefit of using ZT with E2 receiver? You can for example stream channels from one to another device in your ZT network WITHOUT using port forwarding in your router and exposing OpenWebif port to the public (this is extreme security risk, you receiver can be easily hijacked). For more information about OpenWebif, please check OpenPLi wiki page.
You can for example have your primary receiver in your house and then stream channels to your other locations or you can share them with your friends, etc. If you use OpenPLi you can use their built-in fallback functionality which means you can add IP of your primary receiver in ZT network to your other E2 receivers and all channels and also EPG (if you select this option) will be synchronized.
For more information about fallback, please visit OpenPLi wiki page. Alternative to fallback remote receiver feature is “remote stream converter” plugin. You can also try this one if you do not use OpenPLi or OpenPLi/OE-A based images.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me on my email address support “at” You can also discuss this article on my forum:
M3U to Enigma 2 Converters
My M3U to E2 converter is sadly offline, I need to fix php code. Meanwhile, you can check alternatives.
First alternative is Enigma-TV IPTV converter. You can download it here. You need to click on HDD picture on the bottom. Webroot didnt detect any malware with this package – I think you can install it safely. Here is small tutorial based on rapidiptv website.
Open the program and open your m3u list in the “M3U File Channels” tab. List should populate with channels in m3u file. If you do not see any channels than there is something wrong. If you see channels than just click on Generate Channel list! You should get message that channels file is generated. It won’t be generated in the same folder as your m3u file but elsewhere. Please check second picture for explanation where this file is located.
Open folder (check picture below) on your C: drive and you will find the file in it. Rename that file to
Third step is using DreamboxEdit. Download your existing channels list from satellite receiver in a folder and copy the file in it.
Close Dreambox EDIT and open it again, open the channel list you downloaded previously. You should see your IPTV list in bouquets selection. Upload the files to the receiver. You are done!
Second alternative are these converters (not my work): IPTV converter – 101 (1:0) and IPTV converter – 4097 (4097:0)
Just open HTML in your browser and copy/paste your m3u file into it. These convertors are basic but they might be helpful to you.
How to attach EPG to IPTV channels in OpenPLi
EPG for IPTV channels has been an common request for many years now but I simply abandoned this area because I havent been successful with attaching EPG to IPTV channels. Athoik from OpenPLi forum faced the same problem last year but as he has coding abilities he was able to fix the issue in OpenPLi. From the 20.12.2013 we can attach or append EPG to IPTV channels but this requires some manual work (also using FTP) and is not for complete E2 noobs.
Here is short tutorial for all who want to finally see EPG on your favourite IPTV channels which are getting more and more popular:
1. Create test.channels.xml file using Notepad++ and add this test content:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”latin-1″?>
<channel id=””>1:0:1:E:10:1:FFFF0000:0:0:0:http%3a//</channel> <!– Planet TV –>
http%3a// part at the end is mandatory and you should not change it. XMLTVimport needs the http%3a// (whatever) just to start a fake recording and then to import EPG.
1:0:1:E:10:1:FFFF0000:0:0:0: is real channel reference for channel Planet TV on local DVB-C network. You can also use reference from channel on satellite (DVB-S/DVB-S2) or regular antenna (DVB-T/T2). is the real channel id which you can get if you open rytec.sources.xml file which is located in /etc/epgimport on your receiver. PlanetTV is part of Slovenian rytec package so you just need to check for Slovenian XMLTV (or any other country package, it depends on your needs) in rytec.sources.xml file and then copy one of the urls to your browser and download *.gz file where you can get all channel ids for selected country.
After you finish editing test.channels.xml file, copy it to etc/epgimport folder on your receiver.
2.Create test.sources.xml using Notepad++ and add this test content:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”latin-1″?>
<source type=”gen_xmltv” channels=”test.channels.xml”>
<description>Test XMLTV</description>
First you need to open rytec.sources.xml file and find section dedicated to your country. In my case I had to search for Slovenian rytec package. Then you need to copy this part and paste it in your new file named test.sources.xml. Here you need to change channels=”xxx” part. In my case I had to change it to test.channels.xml file which I created earlier. Also change description to something else, I just used name Test XMLTV.
After you finish editing test.sources.xml file, copy it to etc/epgimport folder and restart Enigma 2 – GUI.
3. Now you need to add this IPTV channel to Enigma 2. I already explained how to add IPTV channels to E2 bouquets in my older article which is located here:
In my case I had to add this channel:
#SERVICE 4097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:rtsp%3a// TV
This version does not work with EPG, I was forced to tweak it a bit:
#SERVICE 4097:0:1:E:10:1:FFFF0000:0:0:0:rtsp%3a// TV
As you can see the only change are the letters and number after the 4097 part (the same applies to 1:0:1… channel reference). They need to match channel reference in test.channels.xml file.
4. Start EPG import in XMLTVimport plugin which might not be available for your favourite image. If you use OpenPLi, you can add it. EPG should appear or IPTV channels. If not, please write an message on Satnigmo forum, link is available below.
You can discuss this article on forum:
How to insert IPTV channels into Enigma 2 bouquets
Putting IPTV channels into Enigma 2 bouquets can be a challenging task. There is a possibility of using DreamBoxEdit which supports IPTV channels or streams but I am a fan of a harder way where you are adding iptv channels directly into enigma 2 channel lists files (*.tv files). For this you need remote access to your receiver via ssh connection. I suggest you use WinSCP software.
When you are done with connecting to your receiver, go to to /etc/enigma2 and open file. Add this line into the file (EDIT: this step is actually not needed – restart of E2 is enough that receiver detects new file):
#SERVICE 1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET “” ORDER BY bouquet
“” is the name of the file which contains iptv channels list. You can rename it to something else, I just used name iptv. Remember that words “userbouquet” and “tv” cannot be changed. You can only change word “iptv”.
Then you need to create file using notepad++ and then continue with putting iptv channels into this file. In my case added channels look like this:
#NAME IPTV Streams
#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//
#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//
#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//
Visit forum for discussion:
How to autostart udpxy on Enigma 2?
IPTV is becoming increasingly popular among users of Enigma 2 satellite receivers. If you want to watch IPTV channels (mpeg-ts streams) on your receiver then you need udpxy which converts udp/rtp multicast mpeg-ts to unicast http mpeg-ts. For more information about IPTV check out my other article:
In order to get udpxy to start after boot, you need to follow this procedure (I tested it on OpenPLi):
1. Download udpxy for MIPS based receivers – CLICK! (BUILD 19, do not use udpxy that you can download from OpenPLi server – build 23)
2. Put udpxy file to /usr/bin folder on your receiver. Use FTP for this. Put 0755 permissions to this file!
3. Download udpxy start script – CLICK!
4. Put start script to /etc/init.d folder on your receiver. Use FTP for this. Put 0755 permissions to this file!
5. Now connect to your receiver using telnet (I suggest DCC for E2) and execute this command:
ln -s /etc/init.d/udpxy /etc/rc3.d/S99udpxy
6. Restart your receiver. After restart udpxy should automatically start. If you want to change port on which udpxy works, just change this line in start script:
start-stop-daemon -S -b -n udpxy -a /usr/bin/udpxy -- -p 8088
As you can see default port is 8088. My recommendation is that you change this port to something which is not 8088 or 1234 as these ports are too common.