
Connect OScam to OScam using Newcamd protocol

I find newcamd to be ideal protocol for connecting local card from one OScam server to other OScam server or client. How to enable such connection? First you need to go to newcamd configuration under OScam WebIf (Configuration/Newcamd) and input port and key.

PORT looks something like this: 15001@0B00:000000. You need to be aware of the fact that newcamd only works like this: one port with one caid. You cannot use one port for two or more caids.

KEY on the other hand looks like this: 0102030405060708091011121314. This is default key, you can use something else of course.

Client or server (where you want to transfer card to)

label                         = XXX
protocol                      = newcamd
device                        = IP or DNS address,port
key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
user                          = username
password                      = password
connectoninit                 = 1
group                         = anything you want
blockemm-unknown              = 1
blockemm-u                    = 1
blockemm-s                    = 1
blockemm-g                    = 1
dropbadcws                    = 1
audisabled                    = 1

Server (to which card is physically connected)

user                          = username
pwd                           = password
au                            = 1
group                         = group needs to be the same as the one that is assigned to your card

As you can see, newcamd configuration is fairly easy. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave a comment.

For discussion please visit this thread here:



OScam to OScam using Camd35 protocol

You can share between two Oscam servers using camd35 protocol on UDP. This is my preferred protocol. Why? Its the fastest and most reliable. I only use it to transfer local cards from my OScam server to my receivers which are running OScam as client.

Activate camd35 protocol in oscam.conf on your server and use camd35 reader on your client.

On the server

port = 27550 #choose any number here

user = user1
pwd = pass1
group = 1 #here you need to put all your local cards that you have under oscam.server file. If you do not do this, your other OScam wont be able to use your local cards! I also assume that every local has its own group, therefore use multiple numbers here: group=1,2,3,4,5
au = 1

Client receiver

label = box1
protocol = camd35
device = ipserver,27550
user = user1
password = pass1
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
services = x,x,x,x,x #i strongly suggest that you also use services. In my experience, camd35 works correctly only after setting services for different providers!

Here is my config on client:

label                         = server_cccam
protocol                      = cccam
device                        =,1xxx
user                          = xxx_vuduo
password                      = xxx_vuduo
services                      = !mtvunlimited,!hdplus,!tntsat_sd,!tntsat_hd
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,3,2
blockemm-unknown              = 1
blockemm-u                    = 1
blockemm-s                    = 1
blockemm-g                    = 1
cccversion                    = 2.1.1
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1

label                         = server_locals
protocol                      = camd35
device                        =,15xxx
user                          = xxx_locals
password                      = xxx_locals
services                      = mtvunlimited,cyfra,hdplus,tntsat_sd,tntsat_hd
group                         = 1

Why i use !mtvunlimited, !hdplus, etc.? Because i dont want that OScam takes these cards from my CCcam server. I want that OScam uses local cards from my OScam server. This config also ensures that cards get regular updates. As you probably know, CCcam is not reliable protocol for updating cards (in OScam). With camd35 protocol, there usually arent any problems sending EMMs.

I hope you understand this. If not, do not hesitate to drop a comment here and i will try to help you.

For discussion please visit this thread:


For other “connect” tutorials, visit these links:

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