
Golden Interstar XPEED LX Satellite Receivers

Last few months have been quite busy with new satellite receivers based on last generation Broadcom chipsets. This also means they can run Enigma 2 software, usually modified OpenPli image (OpenATV, OpenViX, etc.). Golden Interstar is known brand in some parts of the Europe and they released three receivers:

1. LX1 has 1 tuner and is obviously an entry level receiver,

2. LX2 has 2 tuners, better display, tuner out connector and design of the box is the same as with LX1,

3. LX3 has 4 tuners, 2 are fixed, 2 are changeable. Among all Golden Interstar receivers this is the most appealing one. Specs are very similar to Vu+ Duo 2:

– Full HD Quad / Combo Receiver

– 2x DVB-S2 Fix, 2x DVB-S2 oder 2x DVB-T2/C oder 4x DVB-S2, optional via Plug Tuner
– Linux operating system (E2)
– BCM7424 Dual Core 2x 1300 MhZ


– Transcoding
– Flash 2 GB
– RAM 1 GB
– OLED Display
– 2x Conax7 Kartenleser
– 2x Common Interface
– RJ 45 1GB Ethernet Interface
– HDMI 1.3 Ausgang

– Eingbautes WIFI 2,4 Ghz

– YUV Komponentenausgang
– 3x USB (1xVorder,- 2x Rückseite)
– PVR ready via USB – SATA intern und extern
– RS 232
– SPDIF Ausgang

– 4G LTE
– Bluetooth fähig via USB

I hope that the manufacturer has quality drivers because I know from my past experience that drivers can cause many issues when using the receiver. For images and other information please visit Golden Interstar website: http://www.xpeed-lx.de/


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