E-Channelizer is better DreamSet and DreamBoxEdit alternative
E-Channelizer is great and quite recent alternative to well known and already established Enigma 2 editors DreamSet and DreamBoxEdit. Author of this application made a bold move and decided to compete with legends among editors – probably every Enigma 2 enthusiast knows DreamSet or DreamBoxEdit.
E-Channelizer website is very well organized, you can get all extensive information about the software, backed up with excellent pictures/screenshots and tutorials. Its features are nicely described, I could write them here but I suggest you rather visit the website.
There are a few advantages that I noticed when using it.
First advantage is the speed of the application. DreamSet is still the fastest but it lacks features. DreamboxEdit is the slowest of them.
Second advantage is the ability to mishmash different channel lists into only one, even if the channel list has some unknown errors. I had problems with DreamboxEdit, it just didn’t allow me to merge my custom channel list with the one taken from the internet, apparently my list had some errors which E-channelizer successfully ignored. You cannot run two instances of the application and just copy/paste between two different channel lists. This feature is available in DreamSet only.
Third advantage is you can attach picons or EPG to IPTV streams. Usually IPTV streams have simple channel references, something like 1:0:1:0:0: … You cannot attach EPG to such channel ids – you need to first attach channel ids from other channels which already have EPG. This application allows you to find and attach EPG from existing DVB-T/C/S2 channels to IPTV streams. Of course you can do this manually but if you prefer GUI, you can use E-Channelizer.
Fourth advantage is ability to stream channels within the application. You need to install VLC though – but I think that many E2 users already have VLC on their computers as it is needed to stream channels via WebIf. Streaming works OK although I still prefer good old VLC.
There might be other advantages but you need to find them yourself.
There are some limitations too. It does not work with Windows XP (yes, old Windows, but some are still using it). You need to have at least .NET Framework 4.5. Linux and Max are not supported, application only runs on Windows systems – Windows 10 / 8 / 7 SP1 / Vista SP2 (32/64 bit).
Application is regularly updated and you can download it here. I suggest you check it out as soon as possible. This is not paid article!