
Archive for April, 2015


CI+ modules can be now used on Vu+ and DM receivers

Recently something came to the surface regarding CI+ modules. First some guys uploaded plugin for new Dreambox receiver 7080HD which uses new version of Enigma. You can get more information here: http://www.sat-universe.com/showthread.php?t=280225

Few days ago VTi released new image for Vu+ receiver which has embedded support for CI+ modules. Their official changelog does not contain information about CI+ support but they have added it. More information is available on their forum http://www.vuplus-support.org/wbb3/index.php?page=Index

Feedback is positive (German users are especially happy as lots of their providers uses CI+ modules) but I am afraid that Vu+ doesn’t have license for CI+ and that CI+ support in VTi is illegal. You may still use it though, just like you use CS. Do not expect official support for OpenPLi and OpenPLi based images unless Vu+ has license for CI+. We may get unofficial built OpenPLi with added support but this is pure speculation.


Having problem with EPG import (Rytec packages)?

Due to abuse of XMLTV files that are used by popular EPG importer that OpenPLi uses and which is maintained by OpenPLi forum user “Doglover”, OpenPLi guys did some changes and update of plugin sources is now mandatory. Here is what you need to do in telnet:

opkg update
opkg upgrade enigma2-plugin-extensions-xmltvimport-rytec

You should be good to go then but there is even better solution to this problem. You should just update the image to the latest version. If you are running old ViX, OpenATV or even OpenPLI 2.1/3.0, you need to reflash asap.


OpenATV 5.0 preview

OpenATV team released promotional video for their newest image 5.0. List of changes is short, nothing spectacular to be honest:
1. Update Pyhton von Version 2.7.3 auf Verson 2.7.9
2. Update gcc Compilier 4.9.1 auf 4.9.2
3. Update gclib 2.20 auf 2.21
4. Update Busybox Version 1.22.1 auf Version 1.23.1
5. Bitbake 1.23 auf Bitbake 1.27
6. Oe-Core November 2014 auf März/April 2015
7. Gstreamer 1.x for Vu+ and DM models

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